Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank you Minden

I have enjoyed meeting and talking with the citizens of our city.  You have invited me into your homes and to your club events and meetings.  You have shared you concerns and thoughts about what you would like to see from your police department.  I have listened and have already begun working on how to  implement the following:

  • Fair treatment for all of Minden's citizens
  • Police Athletic League for youth (PAL)
  • Officer training in CSI techniques, community relations, tactics and self defense
  • Take home cars equipped with computers for officers
  • Increase pay for officers
  • Take home cars equipped with computers for officers
  • Increase pay for officers
  • Reserve officer program using grants for training
  • Written Operations Manual and Use of Force Policy
  • More input from citizens
  • Open door policy
   Thank you for you support and your confidence.  Please remember to pray for our country during this election season.  Pray that we will elect leaders that will help our country get back to the ideals upon which it was founded and to our obedience to the principles of God.  May God bless you greatly.

Harold Robinson

Remember to vote #100 Harold Robinson for Minden Police Chief

Thursday, August 12, 2010

    The debate/forum went well.  All of the candidates attended except one.  There were many Minden citizen in attendance and  the event came together as planned. KTBS 3 newsman Bob Griffin handled the evening as moderator like the professional that he is and all in all Minden showed that we are as classy as any city anywhere.
    The one downside to the event was in the article in the Minden Press Herald the follow day when I was misquoted as being against starting a reserve officer program.  Many of you mentioned that my pledge to start such a program was an important part of your support for me. You believe that such a program will help save Minden money while having more officers to put on the street at peak times of activity and for special occasions such as parades, funerals, fairs and more. 
     I have not gone back on my word.  I believe in the program and have found ways to fund it that will prove to save you, the citizens of Minden money.I was quoted as saying I believe "changing the paid officers' shifts to 10-hour shifts with two-hour overlaps would work better than adding reserves " That is not what I said.  I gave a detailed answer about my support and the proposed funding of the program.  {Watch the video}

  I provided Minden Press herald editor Josh Beavers with a copy of the video and he assured me he would print a correction.  I am adamant  about the programs and I will keep my word regarding them; as well as fair treatment for all.  I will be posting videos of the forum here, on my facebook pages and eventually post the whole event on YouTube. 
  My Thanks to all of the candidates who participated. 
    Remember to get out and VOTE on Saturday Oct. 2ndVote #100 Harold Robinson for Minden Police Chief.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

   It has just been an awesome time for me because I'm getting to meet so many of you and you have so much to say. You have been so encouraging and I'm always eager to go out to meet you all.  I'm listening. I wanted to let you all know that I have invited all of the other candidates for Minden Police Chief to a Debate/Forum  to give the citizens of Minden the opportunity to listen to us and judge for yourselves who best addresses your concerns.  It will be held Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at the Minden High School Auditorium.  It will begin at 7pm and will be moderated by Bob Griffin of KTBS 3.  It will also be broadcast live on KASO radio 1240AM in Minden. The public is invited to attend and to bring a general question on a 3x5 card to be submitted at the door.  The program will start promptly at 7pm so arrive early to submit your question.  There will be radio, print, and television media there so remember to lets present the city of Minden in a very positive light.
    In the coming weeks I will lay out for you in detail the plans I have regarding the Minden Police Department, its officers and the programs I will establish. Please remember to attend the Debate/Forum on Tuesday 08/10/2010 at 7pm.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

And the children shall lead them

   I was out knocking on doors and I met a young girl while I was walking from house to house who stopped me and asked if she could talk to me.  She wasn't old enough to vote but asked me some very interesting questions. She wanted to know why I wanted to be police chief. I told her that I loved this city and I wanted to do right by it. I wanted to protect it and keep it safe for her and her family and for mine.  She asked me why was I the one to do it and not the "other guys".  I said that I have the training, education and experience to lead and and help the police officers that we have become more disciplined and more professional.  I have the vision to help bring Minden law enforcement into the future with modern techniques and equipment. She asked would she be able to come talk to me and get help if she had a problem.  I told her that I would always be available to talk to her and all the citizens of Minden. And that I would also not wait for them to come to me but I would make it a practice to visit the homes of people just to stop and talk to them and get their input. I told her I was very impressed with her questions for such a young person and that she should think of running for officer some day.  She thanked me for taking the time to answer her questions  and then she gave me two dollars and said "this is to help with your campaign".  I was amazed by her generosity and her maturity.

  We have such amazing young people in Minden. They are intelligent, energetic, and caring.  Our city has a very promising future and we have wonderful hands to pass this future into but we must protect and nurture these hands. We must help them to progress into adulthood by being good role models and mentors.  We must keep them safe from predators and crime but also help guide them when they get into trouble. I will establish programs sponsored by the Minden police department and funded with federal grants to help mentor our young people.  We must protect our future. We must help them to feel safe. We must show them that they are respected so that they can feel respect for our officers.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


We had a great time at Ewell Park. We talked, we ate, we played in the water, we got to know each other a little better.  I want to thank everyone who came out to show support. Watch for announcements about the next family day outing. Come out, eat, meet, have fun.  A very special thank you to Ron Hunter of Minden Coca Cola for donating the refreshments.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Is Your Drug Enforcement Policy?

One of the questions I was asked is, "What is your drug enforcement policy?"  That's an easy one.  I have zero tolerance for illegal drugs and drug dealers.  We must protect our citizens, especially our young people from the harmful effects of illegal drugs and the violence that goes along with drug trafficking.  I will continue the hard line that has been taken against drugs in our community. We will aggressively seek out any illegal drug activity and thoroughly investigate all reports of suspected drug trafficking including, if necessary, conducting undercover operations.  I will also cooperate with federal agencies to pursue federal charges against any person caught selling or transporting drugs in or through our city. Those offenders with prior felony convictions can get tougher sentences and longer time served before being released if charged under federal instead of state statutes. Cooperation and a continued working relationship with this district's federal prosecutor will help insure we get these sentences.

The drug activity in our city has declined from what it once was, but only with vigilance, aggressive action, and aggressive prosecution will we continue to keep our streets and neighborhoods safe.

I will be hosting a series of Family Day outings in various parks around Minden throughout the Summer. The first will be held at Ewell Park on June 5, 2010 from 2pm until 4pm. There will be free food and drinks and you will be able to meet me in person and ask your questions. I look forward to seeing you there.

Contribution to my campaign can be made out to "Harold Robinson for Minden Police Chief Campaign" and mailed to 900 Bayou Avenue #156, Minden, LA 71055

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


   I sat at Turner's Pond today enjoying the view and thinking of what to say next to you, the citizens of Minden, in my blog.  And it came to me that you should tell me what it is that you, the people, want to hear.  I am campaigning to be Police Chief of Minden.  The Chief of Police is a public servant.  Public servants should be exactly that, servants of the public.  And we serve best when we hear from the public.

   Use this blog as your opportunity to ask questions you may have regarding what I will do as police chief.  Voice your concerns about our city and what you would like to see from your police department. Voice your ideas about what you think we might do to make this city more safe. I will do my best to answer your questions.  I will consider your ideas and address your concerns.  For those of you who are just now learning of me, take this opportunity to get to know me.

   We live in a beautiful city.  It really is one of the friendliest cities in the South. Together we can make it one of the South's safest and best cities.  This is your police department. Help me to make it better by getting involved.  I will need your support and I am asking for you vote.  Tell me your ideas and concerns.You can post them in the comments section. Please be civil, framing your comments in the same courteous manner you would want someone to address you.   I will write new post every Wednesday.  If elected I intend to continue this site so that we can stay connected and you can have a way to voice your ideas, comments and concerns.  I will also be available to the community in person.  You will be heard.  This is our city, yours and mine.  Help me Make it the safest and the best city it can be.

{Pictured L. to R: Drew Maddox, Jacob Maddox, Dustin Haynes, and Jason Robinson leaving for deployment to Iraq March/2010}

   Remember 2Chronicles 7:14 and pray for our city and our nation.  I would also ask that you please lift up all our military personnel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan in prayer.  Pray for their safe return.  Become a follower on this blog and post the names of deployed military personnel you know so that we may pray for them all.
{Pictured R: Drew Maddox and Jason Robinson In Iraq April 2010}

Watch for announcements of coming events.

God's continued blessings upon you all,

Harold Robinson

{Campaign contributions may be sent to 900 Bayou Avenue #156, Minden, La. 71055 made payable to "Harold Robinson for Police Chief Campaign"}