Wednesday, August 4, 2010

   It has just been an awesome time for me because I'm getting to meet so many of you and you have so much to say. You have been so encouraging and I'm always eager to go out to meet you all.  I'm listening. I wanted to let you all know that I have invited all of the other candidates for Minden Police Chief to a Debate/Forum  to give the citizens of Minden the opportunity to listen to us and judge for yourselves who best addresses your concerns.  It will be held Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at the Minden High School Auditorium.  It will begin at 7pm and will be moderated by Bob Griffin of KTBS 3.  It will also be broadcast live on KASO radio 1240AM in Minden. The public is invited to attend and to bring a general question on a 3x5 card to be submitted at the door.  The program will start promptly at 7pm so arrive early to submit your question.  There will be radio, print, and television media there so remember to lets present the city of Minden in a very positive light.
    In the coming weeks I will lay out for you in detail the plans I have regarding the Minden Police Department, its officers and the programs I will establish. Please remember to attend the Debate/Forum on Tuesday 08/10/2010 at 7pm.

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