The debate/forum went well. All of the candidates attended except one. There were many Minden citizen in attendance and the event came together as planned. KTBS 3 newsman Bob Griffin handled the evening as moderator like the professional that he is and all in all Minden showed that we are as classy as any city anywhere.
The one downside to the event was in the article in the Minden Press Herald the follow day when I was misquoted as being against starting a reserve officer program. Many of you mentioned that my pledge to start such a program was an important part of your support for me. You believe that such a program will help save Minden money while having more officers to put on the street at peak times of activity and for special occasions such as parades, funerals, fairs and more.
I have not gone back on my word. I believe in the program and have found ways to fund it that will prove to save you, the citizens of Minden money.I was quoted as saying I believe "changing the paid officers' shifts to 10-hour shifts with two-hour overlaps would work better than adding reserves " That is not what I said. I gave a detailed answer about my support and the proposed funding of the program. {Watch the video}
I provided Minden Press herald editor Josh Beavers with a copy of the video and he assured me he would print a correction. I am adamant about the programs and I will keep my word regarding them; as well as fair treatment for all. I will be posting videos of the forum here, on my facebook pages and eventually post the whole event on YouTube.
My Thanks to all of the candidates who participated.
Remember to get out and VOTE on Saturday Oct. 2nd. Vote #100 Harold Robinson for Minden Police Chief.